Sunday, January 20, 2013


the end of our year and the beginning of our NEW YEAR!!!
We had plans to hang out with a family that we were pretty excited to see/hang out again
it started christmas-ish Hopelynn jus wasnt herself well she was jus needy which im fine with you could tell she was getting sick i mean its kinda of hard to avoid it this time of year and this year was/is really bad.. My nieces were REALLY sick and I did everything in my power to sanitize clean wash hands But she did it hit her so hard we took her to the doc he said she will get over it was a fever and runny nose everyone has it nothing you can do.. ok called my friend to tell her cuz they had a new baby jus out of respect. there daughter had the same thing so it was still on happy happy..
Well the what 29th I think it SLAMMED and full on sick we took her in new years eve and they told us that she may have to be put in the hospital she had rsv :( I insanit teared up.. her oxygen was 89 and at 87-86 is when they are out into the H, my eyes glossed over and almost crying we never have had her sick before so it was hard to hear plus it kills kids sigh...
 I text my friend and told her we couldn't hang out which was prob was meant to be us not hanging out that's a friendship is gone but anyways i was bummed at the time..
our new years was ok tho she was in my arms sound alseep and I know that was where we should be at home cuddled up to me was amazing we are very fortunate to have a rn in the family MY MOTHER IN LAW saved us she got an oxygen machine we were going to sleep over at her house to have her help monitor her but we decided she should be in her bed so mother in law was amazing enough to let us use this machine long nights guys!
Anyways thats how it started she got health FAST so happy...
WE have been jus being so happy life has had ALOT of negativity but we have chosen to keep our heads up and be positive not letting the  shit get us down anymore NOTHING AND NOONE...

We got a new car cx-9 LOOVE It its so safe for us...
I have my moments of sadness for a old friend but its patched on knowing where I want it to go now and I am finally happy and almost over it actually we are no longer so I am letting that piece of me go and be happy and move on im not going to dwell and let it bring me down anymore I did my part so i have peace with it which is amazing for me after 1 1/2 year of bull shit ..

 this year I want to help few people I cant say who but they have addictions with few things thats a goal for this year for me is to help them get through this..
ALSO HOPE BDAY is in March and we are doing it BIG this year we are so busy with it already we have a photoshoot in feb and I wont let anyone see till the invitations lol...
SO EXCITED I love this girls work...

We are really busy people haha we are always going!
Iv been getting great relationships with people and im so excited to see where they go ALOTS of plans for this year... yay

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