Sunday, September 9, 2012

Never lose Hope

 this will be short and sweet...
I need to do a big post oneday everything
Who is truly in it for it.....
When you hit ROCK ASS BOTTOM who is really there for you???
No one almost expesully the ones you thought would be
 I have had three friends stick by my side through this journey of our hard few months and it means the world to me my pissyness, rudeness snapping and all but it really truly shows me how much you are in it with me and Casey when we have hard times with life...
Getting rid of our dog Copper still is really hurting us if anyone knows us we are animal lovers and we love and treat them like our babies but a ruff patch hit with family and we needed to leave him behind and here I cry to you guy with tears streaming down my face we really miss him is all I will say cuz this is killing me right now...
Anyways Casey's parents my in laws (brothers sisters) whole family have really helped us exsepally Casey I know it means the world to him and I how you guys helped us move even when they were tired and wanted to rest from long hours from work.. and other emotional things... It means the world to me...
Casey and I are the type of people that like to try to keep our personal issues with life personal I keep bottling everything up. Its not me and him we are perfect its jus the other struggles in life.. Having issues with ex friends don't help that either but when people change and only put the blame on u  what do you do jus have to let it go im not going to react negatively anymore I wanna try to get through forgetting them I guess AND so what YES I miss the old them not the new them Im so sick of hearing there names.. BUT i can say I tryed
SO I am really trying to be happy and forget about the issues cuz they are getting better we made a HUGE sacrifice but it will all turn out to be the best in the long run. this whole thing effected me more then I thought it would.. I will come out of my hole soon...
Sorry this is so short I will do more maybe later...
Jus saying thanks and things will get better... :)

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