Wednesday, May 9, 2012

~`*Working Mom*`~

I am a working mommy...

 Its frustrating to pull her out of bed at 6:30 am..
Its frustration to hear people "do you have to work"
Its frustrating when I wanna jus hold her when im having a bad day
Its frustrating when I see moms so upset at there kids because they need time to there self's...

Its so hard sometimes to keep moving. sometimes when i look in the mirror when I am going to drop her off its hard to let her go... Someday's I cry.. Life can get SO stinking hard after work I WANT to jus see her till she goes to bed and trying to clean or cook and shower on top of it all my job is not 9-5 job mine is so stress full it takes all out of me.. but I try to stay strong I break down at least few times a month.. 
I enjoy working I feel like im worth something..
People COUNT ON ME! I know people say she counts on me.. COME ON guys this world isnt the 1800s women need to work and  not saying stay at home moms aren't worth anything i jus feel like If IM NOT WORKING! this is jus my feeling and my opinions  its a great feeling I know lynn is taken care of I value the time that I do have with her, Its just as good for me as much as it is good for her. She is Independent she knows its ok when mommy and daddy are gone! she gets to act differently haha he rebel side jk.. Do i feel like im missing so much? Some days im a lil sensitive about leaving her but when I see how much she likes her babysitter and she hugs her bye bye also seeing how she is interacting.. and to hear what she dose when I am not there I know she needs that time and  I know its good for her I want her to know its ok to go with others.. I cant be selfish we are here to learn how to make it in this ruff ass world lol..I grew up with NOTHING yes I want to get her things she wants and everything she needs.. When i grew up I had to wear my sisters underwear! I want to be able to get her anything she wants! I always hear that "well  you could stop working, jus budget for it to be that way"! honestly I cant 1. its GREAT for Hope and I.. 2. y would I want to stress my husband out thinking he has to make more money all the time I have a part where i need to work...3. it feels great to be out working.. coming home and showing her if you want something you work for it! I want to her growing up watching her mom work and knowing its life. The stay at home moms that have 3+ kids I totally understand day care would be wayy expensive also on top of spending the time with your kids not worth it..
Its great that it works for some women i am one that couldn't It makes u feel great not like some girls i see in the stores ripping there hair out because there kids are making em go crazy.. They are prob think'in the same thing you are they need there time away.. If you don't want to work put them in play dates where your not around go get your toes did do you time.. Its so good for them I see so much of a difference in lynn and her attitude it amazes me!

Always have the shirt on... lol

Im so excited when I come home and i see her reaction every time!! Its hard but at the same time I know how good it is.. I come home tired sometimes cant get it off my mind she laughs and makes it all better.. 

SHE means the world to me SOO many women work now days y do i still get so much shit yes we have four wheeler and such oh who cares it works for us i grew up poor and had nothing GOD FOR BID I work so I can have extra stuff  and $ for her everyone has there reasoning for what they do.. 
If you stay home great guys really It would be awesome to be able to do that spending all that time not missing a second but in my world I cant.....
 I want her to be spoiled as shit and we cant do that with 1 income ... AND??  you have you views on how ur family works that's grreat but think working women are like horrible mothers cuz you don't have them 24-7 that's juss crazy yo! lol not saying anyone is but I sure have heard this plenty! Its hard for me to leave her side when I am off like date night with hubby she has to go I do go sometimes without her but for like an hour I wanna b with her cuz I work too much..
 Life's wonderful enjoy it Weekends r huge for us I get her all weekend its special time.. <3 

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